Sunday, December 16, 2012

Strength to Carry On

As I move forward from now,
I will get through somehow.
But not by my strength alone,
It is through His power it is done.

Carry the burden you have been given,
And know that Christ through you is living.
He is near even when we have walked away,
And He will carry you to the light of day.

He carried the weight of the world on His back,
It is because of Him there is nothing that I lack.
Carry on though the mountain is too steep,
Carry on when you think you are into deep.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

He Sends Along Those Who Uphold

When you feel like you are overwhelmed by all things going on around; put it in the hands of God. "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."(Matthew 11:29,30) We think in our human minds that we cannot bear the things that are brought about in our lives, but Christ said that if we are willing to give Him those things that He would help us to bear them. I have felt overwhelmed with things, but I am thankful that God has brought people along to help me. So you don't have to rely on your strength alone, because God is able to uphold you.

The cares that you bear,
There are those that can share.
One that bore the greatest load,
By this our salvation He bestowed.

Lord, uphold these heavy things,
And help with Your strength brings.
You have told me in Your Word,
That my prayers would be heard.

I can bear these things in life,
Even amongst the strife.
For You alone are my strong tower,
And I will rely on Your power.

-Wade Jinright

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Pieces I hold in my hand,
If all was lost like sand.
Alas, I know the healer,
He to new life is my revealer.

He puts the pieces together,
He calms the wayward weather.
I know not how they fit,
But He is the ruler of all of it.

Give Him the brokenness,
And He will straighten out the mess.
Do not hold them to yourself,
Do not place them back on the shelf.

Gather all the broken pieces,
Do not rely on the golden fleeces.
Let not your life in ashes remain,
But in the blood for our sins slain. 

-Wade Jinright

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Listen Up

Listen up, when the world is loud,
He can be heard above the crowd.
In His Word you will find,
The words that gave sight to the blind.

Stop and listen to what He says,
Even the middle of this world's mess.
With His words, He created you and me,
And by hearing Him, we will finally see.

For He spoke such great news,
But it is not just meant for the pews.
Rise up and go out to them,
And show what it means to know Him.

Listen to all of creation,
It proclaims His salvation.
For love it was done,
Without it we would have none.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Strong is the power of Your blood,
That overwhelming, cleansing flood.
Strong to save, strong to bear,
On the cross, You hung there.

Strong against the power of Hell,
That nothing that Satan can do, will prevail.
Strong to make the waves calm,
His hands applying the healing balm.

Strong to help us to stand,
Amidst this crumbling land.
Strong, though the way is hard,
Let us not let down our guard.

-Wade Jinright

Friday, September 14, 2012

Living Strong

We seek strength in many ways, but do we seek strength from the most powerful source (God). The strength in Him can never be exhausted, and surpasses any physical strength that we can muster. His strength is made great in my weakness. You are at a low point in your life and you don't think that you can bear it, Jesus can bear all of your burdens or He can help you to bear them. Nothing that is of any earthly power can match my God's power. His power is present in every part of Creation; down to the smallest detail.

There is much that people have accomplished through God's power, and still continue to do. When you think that you have nothing left as God's child; there is unlimited power to tap into. We have all been to the point that we have exhausted all our energy, but God has come through. The hymn, "All Hail The Power", comes to mind when I think of God's power.

"All hail the power of Jesus' name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all."
(Text: Edward Perronet, Alt: John Rippon, Music: Oliver Holden)

There is a day coming when we will all casting our crowns before Him, and He deserves everything that we have, because He is the One that created us and upholds us. Take hold of the verse in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."